To the 10th KFF Betta Show we are also proud to invite to the 1st Area2 (Europe) IBC Covention .
On about 100 m² space there will be shown over 300 bettas by breeders from Europe and Asia and will be judged by an experienced team of judges.
On another 50 m² lectures and seminars will be held, and the first Area2 IBC membership meeting and the first Area2 IBC judges meeting.
Based on experience over the last years, the auction of the Show-Betta will take place starting Saturday. The Friday is only used to judge the fish. This has taken in recent years to late afternoon.
In addition to the awards ceremony and the individual auctions on Saturday there will the Area2 Year End Awards for the show year 2012-2013 issued in a solemn hour again.
A plan and timetable will be published in January / February on our website. And on the fair at the Betta-Show a plan will also be hanging out.
The show rules can be found on our website, as well as the IBC standards in German and english language.
The online entry-form and any additional information we will put online in January. Betta for Show may therefore be reported from the early January.
Every breeder can participate. For the entry of new breeder there are the Newbreeder classes. The Informations therefore will be provided in the coming weeks on our website.
The judging of the Showbetta is on Friday the 07th March 2013. All Show-Betta must be delivered at Thursday 06th March in the period from 4pm to 7pm.
With the Betta Show at Friedrichshafen will also start the competition "Master of the Year 2014”.
On our website are also videos about the Aqua Fish 2010, 2011 and 2013 to find.
At our booth we offer everyone the opportunity to bid on many different Betta. We also offer an expert guidance for the attitude, maintenance and breeding of Betta-Fish.
This time, supplemented by lectures and seminars.
We look forward to the many participants and visitors.
The Kampffischfreunde
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