Thursday, March 14, 2013

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Betta Fish

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gumball Machine Fish Tank

You will need:

Various assorted screwdrivers
Drill and bits
X-acto knife
Sandpaper or sanding block
A gumball machine on a stand. Do not try this with square gumball machines. They must be round, preferably glass.
Glass and glass cutters (or the phone number of a glass shop)
Silicone aquarium sealant (must be aquarium sealant, as bath sealant is not as strong and may contain chemicals that will harm your fish)
Rust-proofing spray paint
Push-in rubber grommets
Nuts and bolts and washers as needed
Some scrap aluminum
LED Betta light
Small aquarium filter (I used a Penn Plax Smallworld Filter)
3-plug extension cord with grounded prong Rubbing alcohol.

step 1:
 I got my gumball machine off of Craigslist. It had some really gross stale gumballs in it when I started. 

Take the whole thing apart carefully, and clean everything really well. If paint is cracked or chipped, don't be afraid to sand it off and repaint it. I didn't need to. I did remove the crumbling 10c sticker, even though it would have looked nice. There was a cork ring between the steel on the top of the globe which was stuck to the glass. I scraped it off and sanded the edges of the glass down. If the steel parts on the bottom of the machine are stuck on, try to get them off. They've likely just stuck from age and pressure, and aren't secured.

Clean the entire inside of the globe with rubbing alcohol and let it dry out.
At this point I also took the stand outside to sand and paint the bottoms of the legs, which were in bad aloew

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

wild type Betta brownorum

Betta brownorum
Scientific classification
B. brownorum
Binomial name
Betta brownorum

Saturday, March 2, 2013

wild betta fish species

·  Betta Bellicia

·  Betta Edithae

·  Betta Fusca

·  Betta Burdigala

·  Betta Foerschi

·  Betta Imbellis

·  Betta Macrostoma

·  Betta Persephone

·  Betta Smaragdina

    Things needed for breeding tank setup for betta fish

    Things You'll Need

    * 2 tanks for male and female bettas
    * 10 gallon tank with cover and light for breeding
    * Indian almond leaves or dried up banana leaves
    * Tank divider or oil lamp chimney
    * Submersible heater capable of maintaining 80 degrees Fahrenheit
    * Gentle filter
    * Gentle siphon
    * Turkey baster
    * Hiding places (plants, pvc piping, etc)
    * Brine shrimp nets
    * Maroxy, Bettafix, Ampicilin, or other healing medications
    * Live adult food (blood worms or brine shrimp)
    * Fry food culture (microworms or infusoria)
    * Frozen, flake or pellet food
    * Tanks for young males(50-100)
    * Large "juvenile tank" (30-50 gallons)